Dellar Davies produced The Ultimate Luxury Travel Related Awards, known as The ULTRAs, alongside handling the guest registrations. The prestigious evening awards ceremony, hosted by Gethin Jones and Kirsty Gallacher provided the chance to celebrate the return of luxury travel and to crown the industry’s most-loved luxury brands. It was the first time the event… Continue reading The ULTRAs

Categorised as What's New

We did it!

ABTA did it. Morocco did it. Delegates did it. And WE did it! After the long three year wait, we finally made it to Marrakech where we managed and produced ABTA’s 2022 overseas Convention. By all accounts, from social media and anecdotal feedback, it was a huge success. Our thanks to everyone who attended the… Continue reading We did it!

Travel’s new landscape

We were proud to deliver The Travel Convention in Marrakech – ABTA’s first overseas Convention in three years. We were responsible for the event management, delegate management, content development, event marketing, sponsorship sales, speaker management and technical production of the three-day event. Held at the 5-star Mövenpick Hotel Mansour Eddahbi Marrakech, the Convention began with… Continue reading Travel’s new landscape

Categorised as What's New