Pearls of wisdom

Today marks Dellar Davies 30th Anniversary; an anniversary traditionally celebrated with the gift of pearls. Pearls stand as a symbol of wisdom and they are the only precious gemstones that begin life as a tiny hidden speck, before adding layers and growing stronger and more robust over time.

It feels fitting therefore that the pearl is our anniversary gemstone this year, as what started as a small vision of mine all those years ago has evolved far beyond my expectations, with new experiences gained, new skills learned and many new services added – our layers have multiplied, just like the pearl. We have become a much stronger company as a result, and the Covid pandemic has without doubt made us even more adaptable and robust.

These first 30 years have been filled with memories; wonderful enduring memories of friendships forged with clients and contacts around the globe; spectacular entertainment; inspiring speakers; audio/visual wizardry; stunning scenery and cultural experiences on our travels around the world, and many an event challenge overcome with external colleagues and our loyal Dellar Davies team, who have provided me with more proud moments than I could possibly recount.    

In the spirit of our 30th anniversary, my pearls of wisdom (for event planners) are to love what you do for a living and be grateful for all the unique experiences that you will encounter along the way. Believe in yourself (drive through the imposter syndrome) and laugh often, especially when your event stress levels are souring!

My grateful thanks to all of the Dellar Davies team (past and present), to our amazing clients and suppliers, as well as all of the event sponsors, speakers and attendees whom we’ve had the pleasure to meet. We truly value the tremendous support you have shown us and the lasting friendships that we have made along the way.

As we celebrate this special milestone, we look forward to where we are headed next and to continuing to add layers to our collective and individual pearls!

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