
There is nothing wrong with a webcam-based event, but there are several ways to up the production values to elevate the status of your online event and to improve the experience for your viewers.

Extended reality (XR)

Film your conference sessions, awards or product presentation in an extended reality (XR) studio. This turns a small stage set into a much larger environment, where the real and the virtual merge into one. This is a bigger budget option, but well worth the effort as the audience will feel like they are (almost) at a live-staged event!

LED backdrop

Film or live-stream your event from a broadcast studio with an LED backdrop. This will elevate your event beyond the webcam approach that we have become so used to, which will increase audience engagement and add extra gravitas to your event. This is particularly good for events with a live moderator and keynote speakers, but where panelists need to dial in remotely.

If you want to go up another notch, use a studio with an LED backdrop and floor combined, to create a TV studio look.

Green screen

Another great way to create a televisual or staged event look would be to use a green screen studio and superimpose the backdrop and graphics.

VMix online studio

If budgets don’t permit the use of a physical production studio, you can use an online Vmix Studio for professionally streamed virtual meetings on a more conservative budget. VMix is capable of streaming live in various formats including with cameras, PPT, Keynote and video files, as well as connecting to remote presenters to create live or pre-recorded meetings.

Online broadcast studio

Some events need to be delivered on a tight budget or at short notice, but they still don’t need to look like Zoom! We use online broadcast studio technology to turn a webcam-only event into a professional live-stream or pre-event recording.

You can make the sessions look like your own by choosing colours and creating designs for the screen backdrop, using lower third overlays for speaker names, uploading images, GIFs and even videos.

Scrolling banners

Love them or hate them, banners scrolling across the bottom of your screen with housekeeping notes or what’s coming up next alerts are a great way to grab the attention of your audience.